03 March 2011

car payment gets the boot

so, i mentioned a couple of months ago that i have been working on implementing dave ramsey's baby steps into my financial life and i'm on step two: list your debts smallest to largest and pay them off as a 'debt snowball.' (chad is working on step 3 since he is already debt free.)

i'm happy to announce that debt number two was paid off just moments ago.  so, i now have $0 in credit cards and $0 in car loans! YES!

there are still two student loans for me to work on, though, while chad continues on his savings plan for our emergency fund and a "one last hurrah before kids" trip to south america at the end of this year.

it's a slow process (or at least it seems that way), but we are getting there little by little.  it will be so worth it in about 16 months when everything is paid off and we have a fully stocked emergency fund!  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great plan! I did something similar last year. Then I decided to go crazy and pile on more debt to go back to school. The experience is well worth it though.
