i am at peace with the fact that i will never be able to do this move (above), but i still love power yoga all the same.
in all my inflexible glory, i get to do the half series in a dimly lit room with wonderful soothing tunes in the background. while we all balance on one foot and reach our arms forward and our foot backward, and we shake while we try to hold ourselves in place, i find incredible peace. i can stand in warrior pose feeling the strength in my arms, rooting myself into the mat, and finding power in my soul. it is one hour of my week where i can take my time breathing in and breathing out, slowly stretching, feeling my muscles unwind... and working some muscles that would (i am ashamed to admit) not get worked otherwise (boat pose with arms open wide to one side, obliques burning, is one example).
in short, he who invented power yoga is a genius.
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