alison sent me a photo of them at the airport.... doesn't my little girl look ready to fly?!!! i hope all the american dogs over here understand her kiwi accent! :-)

i am so excited to see them, i can hardly stand it!
(read the story on the ironman website here)
but i must say that for all bob has been through, he is the most positive man i have ever met. you know what he said to me today?
"since we last saw emily and last walked out of that hospital, i have vowed that every day is going to be a good day. i can't have another bad day, because i know what a bad day is really like."
i think that is an incredibly amazing perspective and goes along with the first post that i put on my blog - start really living, we're really dying. we are not on this earth for very long. the things that we think are worth getting all bent out of shape about really aren't worth getting bent out of shape at all. who cares about traffic jams, financial issues, having to get up for work on a monday morning, not having anything to wear... whatever it is, it doesn't matter.
what matters is that we are healthy, we have a support system of friends and family, we have jobs, we have a roof over our heads and food in our fridge. we have a lot of things that many, many people in life simply don't have.
my goal for my life is to live like bob -
every day is a good day.